Over the last week, LEGO released a bunch of new sets related to Avengers: Endgame. Usually, the movie sets that Lego releases tie directly into the movie they are associated with and pertain directly to sequences in the film. Let’s take a look at them.
Avengers: Endgame
Now since the release of this movie is imminent there are several more sets to draw spoilers from. Commentary on these sets is below.
LEGO Marvel Avengers Compound Battle 76131

LEGO Marvel Avengers Ultimate Quinjet 76126
LEGO Marvel Avengers Iron Man Hall of Armor 76125
LEGO Marvel Avengers War Machine Buster 76124
LEGO Marvel Avengers Captain America: Outriders Attack 76123
The biggest spoilers are likely in the Avengers Compound set. If you notice Thanos comes with an extra purple hand. It’s likely this team of the Hulk, Captain Marvel, Iron Man and Nebula that get the Infinity Gauntlet off his hand and defeat him in the final battle.
To me, the next coolest thing is the War Machine Hulkbuster suit. I doubt it’s the Hulk that this suit is used against, but we’ll see.
Based on the second trailer the “Quinjet team” it seemed that they were probably going to rescue Iron Man in space, but given that this sets action looks like it takes place on Earth that theory is probably wrong.
Iron Man’s Hall of Armor will make an appearance, but whether it is part of an action sequence or not is anyone’s guess.
Finally, we can expect to see a Captain America action sequence involving a motorcycle.
In just a few weeks we’ll know for sure how this all ties together, but until then let’s have fun speculating because spoilers for this thing have been tighter than a drum.