How it works is really simple: A movie-related central supposition or motion is proposed, and then everyone everywhere can go full geek and debate that motion.
The only rules are:
Stay on topic.
No personal attacks / don’t be a dick!
Have fun.
The Motion
This Nerd Fight topic was proposed by a number of contributors over the course of a few weeks. Got an idea for Nerd Fight? See below for how to submit.
The specific supposition is this:
The quality bar is set high for the marvel cinematic universe. However even they have had a few misfires.
From The Incredible Hulk to Avengers: age of ultron TO thor 2: the dark world. they haven’t all been exceptional.
but one stands out above all as not being very good. Sequel fatigue, a weak villain, some nonsensical action and a twist designed to annoy fans combine to push this to the bottom of the pile:
Iron Man 3
“I will be forgiven for this, you will never be forgiven for”
Now we’ve done it! Vote below and then come fight us, nerd!
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Got a movie-related topic that you want to see debated on Film Goblin? You have? Excellent! Put it into the form of a statement or motion and email it to with “Debate Suggestion” in the subject line. We’ll be picking from suggestions for our regular debate topics.