Welcome to another edition of our recurring feature here at FilmGoblin: NERD FIGHT!
How it works is really simple: A movie-related central supposition or motion is proposed, and then everyone everywhere can go full geek and debate that motion.
The only rules are:
- Stay on topic.
- No personal attacks / don’t be a dick!
- Have fun.
The Motion
This Nerd Fight topic is proposed by Film Goblin computer guy, erm…. ComputerGuy.
Got an idea for Nerd Fight? See below for how to submit.
The motion is this:
The news is just in that Avengers: Endgame is selling pre-sales tickets FIVE TIMES faster than Infinity War, and has sold more pre-sale tickets than the next four movies (The Force Awakens, Aquaman, Captain Marvel, and Infinity War) COMBINED! But is it any good? We don’t know yet.
Come to think of it:
What was the last big, super-smash hit sequel to a massive movie that lived up to the hype?
Aliens? Terminator 2? The Last Jedi? (We kid! We kid!).
Or do we have to go back even further? Jaws 2? Has there ever been a truly great sequel? Now we are confused!
What was it Goblins? What do you think? To the Thunderdome that is Disqus! Many Goblins enter, one Goblin leaves!
Like a ruck? Can’t go a day without an argument on the internet? You contrarian bastard, you. Get your freak on with some earlier Nerd Fights:
Star Wars here.
Bond here.
Marvel here.
Got a movie-related topic that you want to see debated on FilmGoblin? You have? Excellent! Put it into the form of a statement or motion and email it to thefilmgoblin@gmail.com with “Debate Suggestion” in the subject line. We’ll be picking from suggestions for our regular debate topics.