G.I. Joe Could Be a Great Franchise
All a studio has to do is make the characters real, make the confrontations personal, make the stakes high without being world-ending.
It’s beyond simple: copy the look and feel of Captain America: Winter Soldier.
Instead, Paramount decided to do a moronic comic book movie of the worst kind and blow up London with space weapons.
And just like that, G.I. Joe was ruined.
When I first heard Paramount was race-swapping Henry Golding into the Snake Eyes movie, I thought there was a chance that they might be taking the approach Fox took with the X-Men in 2000.
Strip it down, let the actors shine. Golding is a serious actor and a comer.
Even when it was announced that Baroness was going to be included in the movie, I figured that the endeavor might benefit from a femme-fatale terrorist.
It could still be grounded.
But when Paramount decided to cast Snake Eyes’ love interest and fellow G.I. Joe member, the red-headed counter-intel expert Scarlett, it was time to face reality: it’s going to be another stupid comic book movie.
So, I’m not fooled by this photo Henry Golding shared:
Paramount is a Bunch of Losers
They can’t make a good Star Trek movie.
They can’t make a good Terminator movie.
They can’t make a good Will Smith action movie.
They can’t make a good Transformers movie.
They have Tom Cruise and Chris McQuarrie and still can’t make a Mission: Impossible movie that anyone wants to see twice!
They will not be able to make a good G.I. Joe movie.
Just look at the logo: