Tag: DC
JOKER Movie: Is This A Joke… A KILLING JOKE?
Emergency Awesome have shared some of the rumours of a Batman spin-off Joker movie.
The rumour is that this is the start of an Elseworlds...
Which Sucks Worse? The Current STAR WARS Universe Or The DCEU?
In this glorious life there are many things that bring me joy, and there are many things that piss me off.
I have been blessed...
Joaquin Phoenix’s JOKER Origin Movie Is Green For Go
The JOKER Origin Movie Is Officially A Go At Warner Bros.
The Joker origin movie is officially a go at Warner Bros. Joaquin Phoenix finally...
DC Universe Goes Subscription
What do you do when you have the biggest comic book heroes in the world on your payroll but can’t seem to get a...
TEEN TITANS GO: TO THE MOVIES. Seriously, Take Your Trailer And...
Because Hey, School's Out And You've Got Kids
Well how 'bout that tag line? Guess someone in marketing didn't get the memo on Justice League.
Famous Dates In Entertainment History: May 1st, 1939
Batman Begins
On a fine day on the first of May way back in 1939, issue #27 of Detective Comics was published, featuring the very first...
Joss Whedon was given the keys to Batgirl following a replacement and salvage attempt on Justice League. He left earlier in the year after...
Joker Nearly Had Better Punchlines In SUICIDE SQUAD
Just Like Suicide
A couple of years ago, Suicide Squad recruited an interesting director, David Ayer. Then it absolutely slayed with casting, before delivering some superb...
New AQUAMAN Trailer (Well… Not Yet)
Hot on the tail of this weekend's WonderCon which took place in Anaheim, much talk about an Aquaman trailer being released this weekend was...
Joss Whedon Quits Batgirl?!? HOT HOT HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP with eBob Junior
hey gang ebob junior here back with some more HOT HOT HOLLYWOOD GOSSIP! this time its about flim director and creator of BUFFY THE...