Tag: Iron Man
IRON MAN Revisited: Was It As Good As We Remember?
Back To The Formula
I recently had the opportunity to sit down and watch the movie that birthed the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
2008's Iron Man was...
“They May Take Our Lives… But They’ll Never Take OUR FREEDOM!”...
Avengers: Endgame is a near-perfect movie that reaches for the triumphant heights of classic cinematic tales like Braveheart or Lawrence of Arabia.
It very nearly succeeds...
ENDGAME Doesn’t Fucking Suck. HARD STYLE Spoiler Review!
Spoilers Ahead, Dipshits
This Is A Spoiler Review, Get It?
Last Fucking Chance, You’ve Been Warned... Spoilers
Ok, I’m still digesting the experience... and honestly, I’m a...
AVENGERS: ENDGAME Is The Closing Of The Chapter
Avengers: Endgame is the culmination of 11 years of work on 22 movies. The Russo brothers had to bring it home, and they did.
Comic Book Geeks’ Wet Dream Becomes Reality
Disney/Marvel Just Made A Galactus Acquisition
In the Marvel comics, the X-Men and Avengers are long-time allies and occasional foes. But for almost 3 decades,...
Purple Is The New Black? AVENGERS: INFINITY WAR Review (Spoilers)
To Infinity War and Beyond
A tight script, a good villain, actors who believe in what they're doing, and a decade's worth of world-building all...