Tag: Lucasfilm
STAR WARS Spinoff Films Put On Hold After SOLO Chokes
The Studio Is Allegedly Turning Its Attention Towards Episode IX And New Trilogies
Did you feel a great disturbance in the Force, as if millions...
9 More STAR WARS Movies Imminent
Franchise Fatigue? Fire Kennedy? Reshoots? Johnson Enjoys Ass? Disney Has Failed.
Tom Kane, Admiral Ackbar actor in The Last Jedi, says Lucasfilm is currently developing...
A Surprising SOLO Review From A LAST JEDI Hater
I'm going to do my best not to "Harry Knowles" you to death with a lengthy, inarticulate diatribe about what I ate for breakfast...
STAR WARS EPISODE IX Casting New Female Lead
Could It Be Rey’s Mother?
Disney has announced that the First Order and Resistance are doubling their efforts and have been recruiting new faces. A...
A SOLO Trilogy? Or Something Elsewhere… Inclusive?
Alden Ehrenreich Has Confirmed That He Is Signed Up For Two More Star Wars Movies
In an interview with Esquire, Alden Ehrenreich, star of Solo:...
Film Goblin Does Cannes
What The Festival?
Exactly what the fuck is the Cannes Film Festival? Or more importantly, why the fuck?
Why would all of Hollywood’s elite choose to...
SOLO: Or How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love the...
Let's face it...the production of the upcoming Solo: A Star Wars Story film has been one of the biggest dumpster fires in recent Hollywood...