Tag: Netflix
David Tennant To Hunt Down The CULPRIT For Netflix
David Tennant News Here…. Read All About It
Netflix has announced a show, Culprit, that could maybe fill the void for you Line Of Duty...
Netflix Going To NARNIA
Netflix is in the closet. Through the closet and out the other side to be precise.
They have locked in Coco co-writer Matthew Aldrich to...
JESSICA JONES Final Season Trailer
Alcoholic Superhero To Die At The End?
Jessica Jones will return for her third and final season next Friday as Netflix bids farewell to the...
Has Your Favorite Show Been Canned?
Hey! I Was Watching That!
American TV is great. They launch a show, hook you, reel you in and then BOOM! Canned. Finished. Cancelled in...
JESSICA JONES Teased By Netflix
Final Season To Premiere Next Month
In 2015, Netflix and Marvel joined forces to bring a series of superhero shows to the streaming service, integrating...
New STRANGER THINGS Trailer Gives Us A Summer In Hawkins
The Mind Flayer Has Connection With Eleven
Now we’ve seen the end of Game Of Thrones, we now look to the season 3 premiere Stranger...
THE DARK CRYSTAL Is Revealed In New Set Photos
For those of us raised on Red Dwarf, a Gelf is a genetically engineered life form and jilted wife of Dave Lister. Yet before...
Monster Planet: Here Comes Our ULTRAMAN
Netflix’s animated Ultraman serves as a sequel and a reboot of the long running series. It acts as a direct sequel to the 1966...
DISNEY+ Price Point And Launch Date Confirmed
Well, it’s not as bad as we were expecting. A strategically chosen Netflix beater of a price? Will the entire family, several friends and...
Netflix Does It Again: COWBOY BEBOP Live Action Casting
Greetings, Programs!
Variety reported this week that the first four actors have been announced to be in the live action Cowboy Bebop series. John Cho,...