Tag: Sigourney Weaver
Trailer: Will You Surrender To The GALAXY QUEST Doc?
Here It Is, Goblins!
Remember where you are at this exact moment because it is one of truly awesome cultural importance.
We are now paying homage...
A Blast From My Past
Sigourney Weaver has told Parade Magazine that she will be returning as Dana Barrett in next year’s sequel to the...
Cameron Gives Hope For Blomkamp’s ALIEN
Have The Death Rumours Been Overly Exaggerated?
A couple of years ago, District 9 director Neill Blomkamp announced he was trying to convince Fox to...
Son Of Reitman To Save GHOSTBUSTERS? Trailer Update
New Movie Will Be Set In The Original Universe
Jason Reitman will direct and co-write a new movie set in the same Universe that was...
Are We Sure Blomkamp’s ALIEN Project Is Dead?
“You Never Know” Says Sigourney Weaver
There was a time when Neil Blomkamp’s Alien blueprint was the ideal project to carry the franchise forward. Then...
Behind The Scenes: ALIEN
Welcome to FilmGoblin’s Behind the Scenes column. We hope to cover the most interesting and timeless movies with some pics and factoids you might...
ALIEN RESURRECTION Review : Ripley, Believe It Or Not
Here we take a trip to the Land of Sequels That Shat On The Franchise.
You'll be familiar with many of the inhabitants. Joel Schumacher...