Tag: Youtube-Red
Comic-Con 2019: New COBRA KAI LaRusso Returning To Okinawa
And Your Bi-Monthly Elisabeth Shue Update
The cast and crew of Cobra Kai appeared at Comic-Con's Ballroom 20 to discuss the franchise, and the top...
COBRA KAI Season 2 Smashes It! No Spoilers
Binge Away
I am not sure I can emotionally cope this week. First I was recovering from Endgame punching me right in the feels. Then...
COBRA KAI Season 2: Kreese To Be Series Regular
We Do Not Train To Be Merciful Here
Mercy Is For The Weak. Here, In The Streets, In Competition: A Man Confronts You, He Is...
Bow to Your Sensei: A COBRA KAI Review
I’m Not Your Reviewer, I’m Your Sensei!
Alright so the first two episodes are free on Youtube. Haven’t watched yet?
Let’s recap:
The tone is set. Johnny...