Halloween is coming up, folks.  And we all know what that means:

Pumpkins?  No!

One does not simply walk into Starbucks. There is evil there that does not sleep.

Lord Jesus, I Pray To You Now

Where is Michael Myers when we need him most?

Does anyone even know what the fuck Halloween even means anymore?

Something about a Greek Harvest, right?

So what’s with all the demonic shit?

Demonic. Shit. 

When I was a kid we went to church for Halloween. GODDAMNIT!

It was wholesome. We sang fuckin’ Christmas songs about Jesus and the evils of rock ‘n roll and on the way home I would eat these weird sugar-free strawberry candies.

It was GREAT!

Your author practicing his pimp hand. All Hallows Eve, 1987.

But We’re Not Kids Anymore

We are grown-ups, right?

So today we bring you the trailer for a 2018 move called Halloween starring Jamie Lee Curtis based on the 1978 movie called Halloween starring Jamie Lee Curtis which spawned several sequels including a 1998 movie called Halloween: H20 starring Jamie Lee Curtis.

Or was it Busta Rhymes?

Anyway that means it’s been 40 years since the original Halloween. WTF.