Whatcha Doin’ There, M. Night?

Creatively speaking, how M. Night Shyamalan (Split, Glass) keeps getting work is a mystery that will only be solved by Chinese archaeologists centuries from now.

Especially after a string including The Village, Lady In The Water, The Happening, and…

I’ll never forgive you Shyamalong-a-ding-dong.

Settle Down, Settle Down!

I know his films make crazy money.

In fact, making tons of money seems to be the only reason he keeps getting gigs, and I’m sure that is why Apple TV+ retained Shyamalan’s directing and producing services for their new series, Servant.

Written by Tony Basgallop (24: Live Another Day, Hotel Babylon) and starring Toby Kebbell (War for the Planet of the Apes, Kong: Skull Island) and Lauren Ambrose (Wanderlust, Six Feet Under), Servant definitely has the look of one of M. Knight’s low budget, high yield “masterpieces”.

From M. Knight Shyamalan, Servant follows a Philadelphia couple in mourning after an unspeakable tragedy creates a rift in their marriage and opens the door for a mysterious force to enter their home.

And it all goes pear-shaped when the new nanny shows up.

“Where did you find her? She is a godsend.”

OK. Less Is More, I Get It.

So let’s see what the second clip gives us. 

“And if my baby trusts her, so do I.”

Wait, is that a fake baby?

OK, Not A Lot To Go On Here…

However, with Shyamalan’s gift for suspense and someone other than Shyamalan writing maybe there’s hope for Servant after all. 


But fake babies are just creepy. 

Exhibit A.

Servant , a 10 part ‘mini series’ from Apple TV+, premiers November 28.