I’m just trying to get Eleanor Friedberger’s attention. Which is a waste of time. She would just as soon devour my soul in an evil Pizza-Gate ritual as look at me.

However, we have to look at an honest appraisal of modern music. Correct?

Ga Ga Ga Ga Ga Is Two “Ga” Too Many

But they know exactly what to do to prolong shit. I’m looking across at my lunch buddy in the cafeteria. We don’t have the words yet but we know it’s BULLSHIT.

Let me give you the words:

Don’t Make Me A Target

Industrial Enuuei

You Got Your Cherry Bomb

All I can think about the most high profile criminal shit that I have ever done. Skylight access. Jewel case.

Don’t You Evah

This is a gayboy song.

Rhythm & Soul

You have to click on this to get it to play.

Eddie’s Ragga

Stop complaining


My Little Japanese Cigarette Case

What a pervert!

Black Like Me

Yeah. Your life sucks. FUCK YOU, Rich Boy.