On this special day for all Americans, just a quick post to wish you all a happy 4th July, Independence Day, through the medium of movies.  One movie.  

The movie.

A movie that gets a lot of shit.  For entirely the wrong reasons.  A movie that is cliched, bombastic, full of stereotypes, predictable…  AND STILL AMAZING AFTER 23 YEARS!

Suck it, haters!  

A movie that contains stirring speeches, heroism, classic archetypal characters, all the right cliches and homages. Entertaining, fun. And it still looks amazing after all these years.

Whip out that DVD put it on.  

Watch it with the family.  Love it, hate it.  Fight us in the Disqus below!

And, as you say across the pond, have a nice day!

Editor’s Note: While most of Film Goblin’s contributors and editors are god-fearing Americans there are many that have the unfortunate distinction of living in, or being from, nations that have never landed on the moon. This includes Canada, England, Scotland, Ireland, New Zealand, Prison Colony, Japan, Dubai and Portland.

Do not despair, Goblins from distant lands, freedom is coming for you!