Update 2 20:07 08/25
For all the Heathers. Take screencap, gossip.
Update 21:13 08/24
Fuck, that is tragic. She killed herself? Jesus… but let’s get back to the stolen backpack.
A very generous donor has come through and donated the difference.
Makes you wonder what kind of billionaire readers we have. You know… Breitbart, Daily Kos, HuffPo, etc all have billionaire backers.
Why doesn’t Film Goblin have a billion dollar backer? We do what no one else will do. We speak FUCK YOU to The Signal.
Reveal yourself, billionaire donor! Who are you?
*** Initial Post 10:04 08/24/2018 ***
I was messing around on a Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition Facebook group last night, looking to be helpful, make a few comments to keep my ZuckCuck Trust Score™ up.
ZTS is very important if you want to share Film Gobin content in Facebook groups or else you get purged like Skankhunter did.
Oh, you’re not sharing Film Goblin content in Facebook groups? Then what good are you?
Why Am I Here?
Anyway, I was scrolling through when I came across this post:
Around $200 worth of stuff but hey, cue the D&D jokes:
No, that’s not hacky, boat-act material at all…
Maybe he should just cast a Locate Object spell, amirite?
So I told him to put up a Go Fund Me Page and he would quickly be able to replace his material and get back in the game, except:
He Needs Your Help To Get Right, Brother
And as you can see, as of 08/24 10:05 EST, he’s only got the $10 that I gave him.
He’s completely frozen out of calling on the gaming so-called community for help.
Now CJ isn’t like us. He’s not some aged gamer with 1700 sq ft, a 401K and a fully-restored GTO. He:
- is 24
- just start playing D&D (5th edition but we all know 5th is a gateway game to 2nd edition, so it’s still cool)
- waits tables at Chili’s
has a kid on the way
Now, I know the readership of this site is pretty well off — damn well off, in fact — and I know the only reason that you don’t donate to the site is that you don’t like me personally.
But you really should give something to CJ.
Here Is His Go Fund Me
If you want to buy him a book, email me at trollprincethewhite@gmail.com or Slack me and I will get you an address to ship it to him.
Use the Amazon links below to shop or start shopping.
Let’s keep a young man’s tabletop dream alive, Goblins. Hail Slatan.
[amazon_link asins=’0786965606,0786965614,B0711LPW4W,0786966009′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’filmgoblin-20′ marketplace=’US’ link_id=’272396b9-a7ab-11e8-8bbf-eb9f14fadf24′]