Tag: Comedy
Fast Five: Films Watched Last Week So You Don’t Have To...
Greetings, Programs!
Another update to the Fast Five collection. Still adding to my collection and trying to watch at least five films per week. I...
DRY BAR COMEDY: Humour On YouTube
In times like these we can all do with a laugh, and it appears people on YouTube are willing to please.
Dry Bar Comedy hosts...
A Goodman Is Hard To Find: KING RALPH
The year was 1991. Some important shit probably happened, but, more importantly, King Ralph starring John Goodman came out. It was the first starring...
THE POLKA KING Is Old School Netflix Suck
Netflix presents ANOTHER take on this harrowing tale of polka and fraud. So let this next sentence be your guide...
It's a modern-day SNL skit...