Kathleen is good at this, HTR. In this franchise she’s as good as it gets!

Hauling Them Rathtars
Natural OT?

Fuck yes, Natural OT!

Hauling Them Rathtars
Tell me something, Logan. How exactly do you think it all ends?

What do you mean?

Hauling Them Rathtars
A ceremony? A medal? A shining Logan-1973-day moment, when Lucasfilm releases a movie sooooo sweet everybody gets together and says, “Aw, shit! He was right all along. Star Wars is good. Should’ve listened to the man.” The franchise will not save you, Logan. It won’t make you whole, it won’t fill your ass up.

I dunno, a good movie —

Hauling Them Rathtars
Ends. They all end. The lights turn on and it’s over. The next morning, it’s just you in your room with yourself.

Until the next Star Wars movie.

Hauling Them Rathtars
Boooooy, you need something else outside of this here.

Like what? Film Goblin?

Hauling Them Rathtars
Hey, hey, hey, a life. A life, Logan. You know what that is? It’s the shit that happens while you’re waiting for moments that never come.