Tag: USS Enterprise
I’d Give A Shit About A STAR TREK Captain Pike Show
The second Season of Star Trek Discovery came and went with a lot of pew-pew, lots of plot holes, and a lot of writing...
I Give A Shit: The Nefarious Corporate Takeover of STAR WARS...
A Jedi Could, On One Day
Cinema's most perfect representation of innocence, optimism, heroism, and kindness.
Was transformed to this sullen, cynical, disheveled, surely, unlikable fucking...
Hailing Frequencies #2: The Power of The Starship Enterprise
In the world of Star Trek, Starfleet is the intergalactic, naval, exploratory battle-force.
Many, anti-military, Commie wacko Trekkies cringe at this fact but before Roddenberry became...
SDCC STAR TREK DISCOVERY Season 2 Trailer: Here Comes Spock
Hola !! Lord Garth aqui
This weekend Star Trek Discovery made a splash at the SDCC with all sorts of lovely pweasants Lord Garth would...
STAR TREK: DISCOVERY Season 2: Comes The Enterprise
Let me first preface this article by saying that, on whole, I think I sort of mostly enjoyed the first season of Star Trek:...