… And Guess What?

In a desperate attempt to manufacture interest, Paramount has been dropping endless clips, interviews, trailers, special extended trailers, etc for Terminator: Dark Fate, with little to no effect.

Last week they released five or six character clips, which managed to move the long-range box office projection by 5%.

We discussed the clips at length, said it looked decent and feared that even middling-quality action could possibly save this franchise.

Well, fellow Goblins, the suits were reading right alongside you because we now have about 40 seconds of Sarah Connor unloading big guns on the Rev-9 Terminator.

It’s all continual, it looks to be right out of the movie with no cuts for effect and let me tell you something — it’s not good.

There Goes That 5%

Paramount still has fifteen days to dig into the cultural seat cushions and try to scrape together some kind of loose change coalition to make up an audience.

They will not succeed.

After all, they weren’t able to last week: Gemini Man is on track to be Will Smith’s biggest bomb since Wild Wild West.

If you keep trying to make movies from the 1990s your studio is unlikely to thrive.

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