Great. Another Revisiting of Political Events from the 60s

Hey, are you ready to revisit the events of the 1968 Democratic Convention when the radical Progressive pre-Antifa left, led by Abbie “Steal This Book” Hoffman and others got their heads pounded in by the old school Chicago cops — no bodycams here — on the direct orders of that old-school, law and order, Democrat Richard Daley?

He’s laughing because you Antifa morons never got the joke.

Are you ready to hear mediocre, television drama level dialogue about revolution, social justice, and fighting “The Man” delivered passionately by people who have no idea what they’re talking about, but sure want you to think that they’re actually referencing The Bad Orange Man from 2016 in every scene?

Are you ready to have the history of radical protestors such as Abbie Hoffman, Tom Hayden, David Dellinger, Rennie Davis, John Froines, Jerry Rubin, Lee Weiner and Bobby Seale presented to you as Biblical truth for 2020, and then be encouraged to go out and replicate this again at the 2020 Democratic Convention in Milwaukee, home of PBR and Milwaukee Light?

Well, if your answer is “Yes, I am ready for all of that!” then boy do I have some casting news for you!

I’m Sure They Won’t Mention Richard Daley, Sr.

The Trial of the Chicago Seven, written and directed by Aaron Sorkin, has found its actor to portray Progressive defense attorney, Ramsey Clark, who was mixed up in all this nonsense in 1968 as well.

Would’ve kicked Abbie Hoffman’s ass along with the Chicago cops.

That would be Michael Keaton, he of the Batman films, and lately, Oscar-bait dramas that no normie watches or understands, and — for some reason — Disney live-action remakes.

Keaton joins a cast which includes William Hurt as John Mitchell as well as Frank Langella, Mark Rylance, Eddie Redmayne, Sacha Baron Cohen, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Alex Sharp, Jeremy Strong, Kelvin Harrison Jr. and J.C. MacKenzie.

Oh yeah. Oscar bait all over.

Drop It In October 2020

The release date for this overwrought turd has also been announced: limited release September 7, 2020, and a wide release October 25, 2020.

Yelling about political crap that doesn’t matter since at least 1968!

What happens two weeks after the release of The Trial of the Chicago Seven in America?

Oh. That’s right.

Whoever the Democrat Party has nominated out of that clown car they’ve currently got going on over there—my money’s on Biden, but Warren’s crazy and popular, so there’s that—will have the unfortunate designation of losing to the current occupant of the White House.

Unless they “impeach” him before the election.

Don’t bother with this dreck, Goblin. Just go out and vote.