Tag: Lando
These LANDO Trilogy Posters Will Give You Something To Live For
But Do You Even What To Live?
It's been hard for Star Wars fans and movie fans who hold Star Wars in high regard.
As with...
BILLY DEE Doubles Down On STAR WARS Sexual Subversion
I Can't Believe This Is Happening Again
In the run-up to the release of Solo: A Star Wars Story, Disney decided it was time to...
Carrie Fisher Will Make A Posthumous Appearance
Disney has announced the cast for Episode IX and it will include the late Carrie Fisher.
Fisher will reprise...
A Surprising SOLO Review From A LAST JEDI Hater
I'm going to do my best not to "Harry Knowles" you to death with a lengthy, inarticulate diatribe about what I ate for breakfast...