The Suicide Squad, James Gunn’s soft reboot of the Suicide Squad series, may be R rated if the director’s comments on Instagram are to be believed when responding to a fan’s question.
Or, of course, it may not be. However James Gunn has been quoted saying that The Suicide Squad will have a decent body count, and warning fans not to get too attached to characters.
After all, the definition of a Suicide Squad is one that has a low probability of survival.
Well a lot of cast members don’t make it to the end. This is #TheSuicideSquad. But we don’t shoot in order and the ending has already been shot, so you’ll have to wait to see who survives… #dontgettooattached
— James Gunn (@JamesGunn) February 22, 2020
Of the original cast, Margot Robbie is known to be reprising her role as Harley Quinn, hopefully to a better reception than her last outing as the character, Harley Quinn: Birds of Prey.
Gunn has stated that he doesn’t expect any delay of the movie release on August 6, 2021, but given we’re more than a year out from that we shouldn’t be too overconfident.
People are looking forward to 2021 as the year for the recovery of American cinema, after the coronavirus has decimated the 2020 year. For myself I definitely hope that we’re past the coronavirus, but I can’t see cinema becoming a major part of people’s lives for a while.
However apparently drive-in cinema is becoming more popular, at least at this difficult time, so perhaps people will be driving up to see The Suicide Squad instead.