Happy Hogmanay Goblins!

It’s not been the greatest year for good movies, to be honest, it’s been one of the worst I can remember. That being said, there were a couple of really good ones.

TV shows haven’t fared any better, Homecoming with Julia Roberts on Prime looked a decent premise, but it fell apart after a few episodes. Cobra-Kai was the best of 2018 in my opinion, the team involved with that show deserve much respect for handling a franchise with love and care.

Shout out to Cobra-Kai for kicking ass in 2018!

I’m currently watching Escape At Dannemora on Showtime which so far is fantastic, but I’ve not finished it yet so I’m reserving judgment for now.

Anyway, here’s my top 10 movies from 2018!

10. Border

9. Mandy

8. Creed II

7. Mission: Impossible – Fallout

6. The Night Comes for Us

5. Upgrade

4. Deadpool 2

3. Hereditary

2. Infinity War

1.They Shall Not Grow Old

Thanks for reading this, and all the other articles we’ve worked on this past year.

I want to wish you all a Happy New Year when it comes, but in the meantime…

Skank Out!