Tag: Avengers
IRON MAN Passes On Oscar Nod, Avoids SCORSESE Beef!
Robert Downey Jr. was on The Howard Stern Show a couple of days ago.
Who is Howard Stern? He's like the AARP-endorsed version of Joe...
The Gob Mob – Episode IV LIVE STREAM SHOW!
Greetings, Programs!
The next installment of the Gob Mob Podcast will be live at 12:30 PM EST!
London Calling With Spoiler Free AVENGERS: ENDGAME Review
A Year On
Just about one year ago, I was lucky enough to be in Vietnam on business when Avengers: Infinity War was released there...
The Gob Mob – Episode II Endgame Pregame PODCAST!
Here it is! The podcast edition of the latest episode of The Gob Mob!
More Disney+ Content News
The launch of the new Disney+ streaming service creeps ever closer, with a seemingly relentless drip-drip of news about new content. We already brought...
AVENGERS: ENDGAME Breaks Records For Day One Sales
Something big is brewing in the world of Marvel. Something very, very big.
You’re Gonna Need A Bigger Box Office
Yesterday tickets went on advanced sale...
AVENGERS: ENDGAME Runtime Over 3 Hours
Hold On To Your Bladder!
Last year’s Avengers: Infinity War was two hours and forty minutes in length. However, Avengers: Endgame had been rumoured to...
Why God Why? Nick Fury’s Lie
So with all the Avengers talk lately, there's something that always has bothered me about the first Avengers movie. It's a little thing but...
SUPER BOWL 2019 Trailers
Better Late Than Never?
The snorefest that was Super Bowl LIII is over, during the game we got the obligatory trailers, so here are a...
Ho, Ho, Ho, Dorks: Lord Garth’s Top 10 Movies Of 2018
As the year winds down we're giving everyone a chance to run down their 10 Best Movies of 2018. This list can also include...